Baroque music with special effects

For the release of Arcangelo Corelli’s Concerti Grossi Op.6 collection, recorded by Accademia Bizantina, we started from the ultimate goal of every Baroque art form: wonder. The aim is to demonstrate to contemporary audiences that this ancient music is still capable of evoking vivid emotions. The means to reach a wider and more diverse audience? Something as innovative as it is surprising: a Visual Album.

It consists of a series of video clips accompanying the five movements of Corelli’s collection, conceived as chapters of a narrative in which modern dance amplifies the emotional power of Baroque music. We handled everything from creative concept to storyboard, direction to post-production, and even social media campaigns.

The result is a musical story that unfolds through suggestions, colors, movements, bodies, and special effects capable, indeed, of arousing astonishment and becoming a bridge between different spaces, eras, and worlds.

  • Creative Direction
  • Communication studio concept
  • Video & VFX Production
  • Instagram & Facebook content strategy and production & Ads strategy
  • Spotify content strategy and production & Ads strategy
  • YouTube strategy & Ads strategy
  • Reporting and optimization